Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Disney tomorrow!

Well I've had the busiest past few days, I'm much better now thank goodness! I was up early yesterday to go to the orthodontist then from there the doctors and then a day of revision. Today I was up early yet again for a meeting with my head of college, nothing bad-all good. It was basically to congratulate me on my report as it was very good, and to say well done on achieving my good grades.
Anyway after a very interesting and strange english lesson on Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber' discussing one of the short stories 'The Snow Child', I have not stopped rushing around. I went into town to exchange a christmas present, from there to Halfords, to buy headlamp beam adapters for the car (it is compulsary to have them when driving in France, to stop the other car on the other side of the road getting completely blinded), and then back home again to clean the car out. I still have to pack, but that shouldn't take too long as we're going for five nights only, however time is ticking away.
I am really craving a nice big mug of hot chocolate now anyway so I shall be blogging away as soon as I get back, and no doubt it will all be about my adventure in Disneyland Paris!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Snow is falling, all around me...

It really is beautiful outside, my courtyard is covered in a blanket of crisp snow, it's a shame I can't go outside to appreciate it. I've been cooped up in bed all week with sinusitis (infected sinuses), I feel awful and with Disney being two weeks today I really hope it clears up before then as I've got so much to get ready.
I'm on antibiotics so hopefully I will be feeling much better soon.
I cannot believe it's the first of December, It has come around so quick, and I haven't even got an advent calender yet! For some reason I don't feel that rush of excitement I normally feel when December comes around. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I feel like death, and nothing seems to make me feel better.
I'm supposed to be playing hockey this weekend but with this weather I'm sure it will be cancelled, and even if it isn't i'm certainly in no fit state to play. Plus hockey training has been cancelled the past two weeks due to the pitch being frozen. So it would be madness to play in this weather!
I hope it snows on Christmas day, that would be perfect, to just get up and see snow all outisde. I have this gorgeous vision of a wonderful Christmas day-  waking up to see snow falling, having the traditional family Christmas breakfast, and sitting inside the living room all cosy by the fire with a mug of hot chocolate while exchanging  presents. Every Christmas is wonderful, but with the exception of no snow, it seems to snow on any day but Christmas, I can't remember last time it did.
Hopefully, fingers crossed my vision of Christmas will come true, but for now I am going to retire to bed and dream lots of dreams!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Just a quick blog

What a week it has been, so much college work, did alot of overtime at work this week, and crammed in hockey-which was worthwhile as we won 2-1 this weekend!
That all probably explains why I haven't been on here in a few days, I seem to find myself busy all the time. There just isn't enough hours in the day, however I am very much looking forward to the 15th of December as my boyfriend and I are leaving for Disneyland Paris for four nights! I am very excited much like a little kid at Christmas time! It's safe to say I will be blogging all about my Christmas get-away to Disney.

Friday, 19 November 2010

'Voting is a pleasure' according to the Socialist Party of Catalonia 's leader, Jose Montilla

There is an absolutely hillarious video that I came accross on the BBC's website, it's a video that features a woman who supposedly orgasms when she votes for the Socialist party in this month's regional election in Catalonia. I think it's a captivating way of getting people to vote, the idea that voting really does bring great 'pleasure'. I couldn'd find a direct link to the video so go on the BBC website (via my link) and it should be on the right hand side! Happy watching :)

Monday, 15 November 2010

Formspring me- My views on the social network site.

Just today I was being a bit nosy looking at people's formspring me pages, I deleted it a few months ago after having a comment posted on there by anonymous which upset me. I was looking at a particular persons page who I know, and some of the comments people have posted to her are dreadful. Involving comments like 'your such a fake *****, nobody likes you, you're a ****'. I just don't understand why these people waste their time posting things like that? Furthermore I do not have a clue why the people who have received this abuse then comment back? I can undertsand a younger person going on this site and getting drawn into the idea of anonymous posts from people telling the person how they feel about them/what they think. But are people of my age really wasting their time on this ridiculous site? To be honest I think the site should no longer be ran, it is an oppurtinity to bully, and comments I have seen are shocking! Most of the time, three quarters of the comments are posted by anonymous and are pretty malicious posts. It is nothing other than cyber-bullying, but I just don't understand why the people receiving the abuse then give it back and keep on asking for it?
What do you think about the social network site formspring me?

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Dramatic Demo

The students and lecturers protesting today in London, against plans to treble tuition fees and cut university funding in England turned vicious, leaving at least ten people needing hospital treatment. Union leaders who organised the march, condemned the violence claiming 'it was a small minority of protestors who "hijacked" the event.'
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson said: "It's not acceptable. It's an embarrassment for London and for us."
He added: "I am determined to have a thorough investigation into this matter. We didn't expect this level of violence."
National Union of Students president Aaron Porter described it as 'despicable'
32 had been arrested for a range of offences, including criminal damage and trespass, and were put in custody.
I think this is absolutely awful, as a student if I went on that demo I would want respect in hope that my protesting had done enough to stop plans going ahead. Violence isn't the answer!

Has the whole world gone Gaga?!

The university of South Carolina are now offering degrees in Lady Gaga. Has the whole world gone compeletely 'Gaga' or is it just me?
Students will be able to opt for ‘Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame’. I know there are some pretty ridiculous university courses, but this to me is one of the strangest. I know she is a figure of iconic celebrity culture and notoriety, and apparently you don't need to be a fan to enrol on this course. I think it is safe to say that most people who enrol on this course will most probably be fans of the celebrity whose name definitely for me reflects her character.

Monday, 8 November 2010

The Strike of the Journalists

What is all the fuss then?
I heard it on the radio the other day (ironically) , that thousands of Journalists went on a 48 hour strike due to a bitter row over pensions.
The BBC's director general has made it clear that he will not reopen talks with journalists, despite the threat of fresh strikes, including walkouts over Christmas and the New Year.
I wonder what will happen?

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Uni Talk!

Okay so at the moment I am fairly young, and most of what is going on at the moment won't affect me too much, as I am not paying bills (apart from my mobile phone bill) and I am not a home owner with a full time job. So after the spending review I have to admit I didn't panic too much.
However I am a prospective Uni student and with my excitement growing more and more each day about going to University next year I am wondering just why it is going to university has become so popular?
Has it become a fashion? What with Freshers week kickstarting Uni Life it appears to me the attraction of University is perhaps more the social side? For me it is about working hard and getting the best degree, so I can go on to get the career of my choice. I would be dishonest if I said the experience of university was not at all about the social side, because partially it is, it is about meeting new people, experiencing new things and taking part in activities that will allow me to make friends for life. I do like to go out and have a good time but I have heard stories of students that have simply spent all their money on accomodation and their course, went to Uni for freshers week and after that came home leaving university.
With the announcement on November 3rd by David Willetts the universities minister said that 'universities should be able to charge up to £9,000 a year' this is definitely a worry to those who may be taking a gap year, perhaps they will think twice. This won't affect me as I'm going to Uni in 2011, but for those applying next year this surely will influence their uni choice.
Are uni's becoming elitist? Just like the hierachy system of schooling, will the top 5 uni's Oxbridge, Warwick, St Andrews & UCL be classed as the 'top private schools' such as Harrow & Eaton, and the middle top uni's like Edingburgh, Sussex, Southampton, Nottingham etc classed as the private and grammar schools. So will the very low down universities will be classed as the comprehensive schools?
The better the university you go to surely the better the job you will get at the end of it all, but I think there are other factors to include when choosing the right uni for you. For example cost of living, I ruled out London because I know it's not going to be a cheap place to live and I don't want a constant worry in the back of my mind about money. Although I know as a student money will be a worry, but I will keep my part-time job at Boots and this will help to fund all those nights out, (okay and the copious amounts of books I will have to buy). Not only this but to me the city in which I will be living in for three or four years of my life has to suit me, I want to feel safe, I want to be able to go out and have plenty of choices as to where to go. I want the city to be interesting to me, I do not want to go somewhere that is quiet and has not really got much going on, I like the hustle and bustle of a city. But when all is said and done, I know that university is very important to me, and I think to miss out on the chance of going to uni is madness.

Monday, 30 August 2010

'Cat in the hat'.... more like cat in the wheely bin... she thought it was 'wheely funny!'

So what does everyone think on the women who put the cat in the wheely bin? I took notice because I went to school in Coventry when I was younger and that's where the crazy event took place.
I think it's awful, personally i'm not a cat lover but no animal deserves to be treated that way, the woman claimed 'it was out of character'. To be honest I think she's just plain horrible who does that sort of thing?
What are your views? let me know!